If you think eBay is hard to sell, then please read this article. Selling on eBay is like most things in life: all about the basics. Once you know the basics, you'll be well on your way to an eBay PowerSeller.
The basics of selling on eBay are:
• Title • Descriptions • Photos • Prices • Customer Service • Shipping • Order Processing
Focus on these areas and you will be on the road to the conquest of the database and make sales and profit on eBay.
First, here is a bit 'on some eBay members.
Almost all items on eBay DO NOT SELL 1/3rd. Interesting, no? Of course, eBay makes money. Registration fees are the eBay fees and whatever the result, must pay the seller. Of course, eBay is not advertising, so it is important to use your time and energy into mastering the basics of eBay. He always wants to be the completion of eBay selling class.
Here are two tips for you, your eBay listings are for sale:
1. Correct spelling.
Spelling errors (and I am famous for them) are the main reason, why not sell items on eBay.
You can check the spelling of your eBay description, but eBay does not provide a tool to check your title for spelling errors. And the title of your eBay contains important keywords to search for eBay buyers. I want to discuss this in detail in a future article.
However, there are times when the spelling is not the solution. For example, there are always typos I make. I am aware of it, and always on guard. A recurrent error that I have the "r" late "your" trend. Spelling is not the typo, because it reads the word "you" is correct.
2. Do not put figures
Another common mistake is to improve the numbers. I once sent a number of applications with the wrong number. I mixed up two digits. I checked the paper, but never found the typo.
So why have a problem typing on eBay? Suppose you want a colony of fashion "Your Escape" for sale. A potential buyer may purchase and can not find this item on eBay if the scent as "You Ecsape" list.
Also, if you have a laptop sold on eBay as a model is 456, and there as a model 645, will not be displayed and viewed by potential buyers eBay.
The bottom line is this - if you make frequent errors on the hat. A good way to check is a bug in the eBay listing titles and read the words aloud. Better yet, read the work with a partner and ask colleagues for you. You are better able to take a bug if you can hear.