How to Selling Art on eBay
As an artist, you've probably already realized that the end "creative" in your profession is concerned. This is "marketing" of your work, that is the challenge! In a previous article I covered some of the key points of traditional marketing artist participating in exhibitions and festivals. This article refers to a concept of online marketing your work - Selling on eBay.
The venue for the art sale, eBay is a hot topic. Some artists say that eBay devalues the work of an artist and you never sell their work on eBay. And 'certainly a valid opinion - a large percentage of eBay buyers are looking for bargains. That said, here's another way of seeing things to sell on eBay work for exposure and publicity for their work, as well as sales. Let's face it, there is always around the fact that millions of people eBay everyday with the express purpose of the visit, shopping. It is unlikely that other online marketing portal for art is to generate traffic.
came a few years ago, the first of many artists of eBay Marketplace, the competition was light and a little money on eBay 'easier. Currently, eBay to the point where the jump and earn a living selling your art on eBay would be grown only at best a challenge. If you can approach eBay as part of a global marketing strategy, as opposed to "put all your eggs in one basket, the experience of eBay can be very useful.
So Far To Go, the selling price, yes, the eBay prices are often among the other markets. If it bothers you, now stop - eBay is a waste of time. However, if you do not mind it means that some items sold at less than the average, the experience can easily eBay has also spent more in advertising dollars of income. And what about those customers who paid full price for your work? Business is business. Your answer should be asked is possible that a limited number of rooms dedicated to promoting the auction. (Many artists have donated their work to raise funds, with zero input on the final sale price.) If you want to "protect" themselves the value of your work, you need to market. ..
The current "as" the ad on eBay is easy but time consuming. There is no need for a lesson on how to "sell here, that all aspects of the process is explained on the eBay links to more information. All applications for rates, guidlines, etc. can be displayed directly on eBay with a little 'patience.
"Philosophy" approach is for you. I'll give you some guidelines to be included on all marketing plan eBay:
If you already have your own website, or plan a start, great. eBay can be used as a method to bring people to your site. If you can not advertise your site in an auction page, you can mention your website in the "About Me" Seller Preferences. In addition, you can create your site in correspondence by e-mail to all contacts that you mentioned on eBay or one of your items listed victories. eBay is very particular about sellers of advertising to other web sites (eBay would have preferred that all the companies that work with them!), So be sure to care only for those who respond to you first. (See the eBay User Agreement for details).
If you do not manage your own website, or even if you do, you may consider opening an eBay store. It 's relatively inexpensive, with shops under $ 15.95 per month you can enter as elements you want in the store. Registration fees for items of the shops are much less tax for items for auction. Of course, there is a problem - auction only items displayed at the top of a search when people go looking for items to buy. So your shop rarely found by the average buyer. However, you can promote your eBay Store on your pages. This approach is to keep more items up for auction, and declaring loudly that it is much more in your eBay store (with active links to help your business!) In addition, you will find products for your company for a time, can be indexed on Google and Froogle! Given the intense competition for the website ranking in Google, eBay shop is a great way to get your job there to see.
Sure, you probably need a photo of your message works of art, and the picture quality is very important. Try to avoid sitting on the painting or sculpture on the couch and just insert an image. Well located and well-lit images will be of great help. You should also consider how the question before planning to use the ship. eBay shipping options and ask the bidder offering the best price plan in place. You must also decide whether you are ready, the international destinations of ships or the United States are.
One final note on the list of your products, whether at auction or in an eBay store: Keep in mind the keywords you select quality! This is particularly important in the title of your article. Put yourself in the shoes of the buyer. Few people are probably looking for "Look at that beautiful view of flowers in a vase." A better title, with popular search terms could be met. "Paintings of flowers, still life, art, limited edition" eBay has a list of the most popular "keywords" in your home.
A good way to prepare to enter the eBay marketplace is to buy something on eBay you! In this case, try to buy a work of art. This will help you gain experience from the perspective of buyers looking, tender and an article. You can make your likes and dislikes of your experience, a plan to create your own!
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